Women and Social Affairs Executive
To create an inclusive, equitable, and empowering environment where women and all members of our academic community thrive, driving gender equality, social justice, and sustainable development for transformative change in Ethiopia and beyond.
The missions of the ASTU’s Gender Affairs Directorate are:
- Promoting gender equality, and bringing social transformation among women in ASTU in order to increase their participation, so that, they can contribute to the development of the country.
- Enhancing the competence of female students in Science and Technology through facilitating different supports and creating conducive environment.
- Providing community services through capacity building trainings on gender related issues, female empowerment, initiating and encouraging female students toward science and technology and awareness creation to rescue adolescents in schools from risky behaviors and drug abuses.
- Gender equality
- Accountability
- Responsiveness
- Confidentiality
- Transparency
- Excellence in service delivery
- Justice
- Diversity
- Equity
- Inclusion
- Provide capacity building trainings for both female university staffs and students.
- Provide legal protection from abuse, harassment and violence.
- Provide advice and counseling services.
- Enhance female student’s academic competence by providing them additional tutorial classes.
- Facilitate economic and Material support for needy female and male students.
- Awarding high scoring/role model female students
- Promote the participation of women in the overall university endeavors
- Initiate staffs to participate on researches, seminars/conferences related to gender issues
- Provide day care service for ASTU staffs
- Provide awareness raising and life skills training for high school female students.
Contact Address
Sewunet Bora Jima: Women and Social Affairs Executive Officer
Phone: - +251-22-111-4256
Email: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
POBox:- 1888