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ASTU Completes and Hands Over Shaggar City MIS Geo-Database Project to OIIB
ASTU Hosts Training on Quality Management System Development and Implementation
ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials.
ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials.
ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials.
ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials.
ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials.
ASTU Holds Training on Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Application
ASTU Signs Contract Ceremony with Samsung C and T Consortium
Adama Science and Technology University and Samsung C and T Consortium signed contractual agreement for the implementation of the Economic Development Cooperation Fund Project (EDCF-PROJECT).
Workshop on Geospatial Database
ASTU organized Validation Workshop on Geospatial Database for Shaggar City
የተቋማዊ ለዉጥ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ስለ ካይዘን ፍልስፍናና አተገባበር ስልጠና ሰጠ
የአዳማ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተቋማዊ ለዉጥ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ከካይዘን ልህቀት ማዕከል ጋር በመተባበር ለንብረት አስተዳደር ሰራተኞችና አመራሮቻቸዉ በቦራቲ አዳራሽ ከየካቲት 10-11/ 2017 ዓ. ም (የሁለት ቀናት) ስልጠና ሰጠ::
ASTU-STEM Center Launches Laboratory Training Program for Selected Science Teachers from Government Schools in Adama City
Life Skills Training had been given for Female High School Teachers in Adama City
ASTU inks MOU With Mada Walabu University, Adama Industrial Park( AIP) and Industrial Project Services ( IPDC-IPS)
Educational Quality Enhancement Directorate
Educational Quality Enhancement Directorate Organizes training on National Academic Programs Accreditation
ResearcheASTU Inaugurates Various Projects rs from the School of Applied Natural Science develop technology for controlling the white mango scale
Delegates of the Russian Academy of Sciences visited ASTU and held a consultative meeting with ASTU’s top management. The consultative meeting was held with the view of exploring potential areas of collaboration. Dr. Lemi Guta, president of ASTU, welcomed the guests and noted that ASTU is keen to establish collaboration with Russian universities.
Dr. Lemi underscored that ASTU is looking forward to working on areas of cooperation that involve knowledge sharing and skills transfer. On the occasion a brief highlight of ASTU's background and current status has been presented for the delegates.
On the part of the visitors, Professor Irina, Abramova, thanked ASTU for the warm reception. Professor Irina stated that she has got first hand information of the potential of Africa as she was one of the organizers of the 1st and the 2nd Russia Africa Summits. Professor Irina reintegrated that Africa is a strategic partner for Russia. She underscored that Russia is willing to engage in bilateral exchanges, scientific symposia and cultural exchange to work in partnership with African nations. She also stated that there are several opportunities for collaboration with ASTU. She enumerated a number of potential areas of cooperation including, water treatment, energy, space science, transportation, IT…etc.
All the delegates expressed their readiness to work in collaboration with ASTU. The delegates visited Materials Science & Engineering laboratory and the ICT center. The two parties reached consensus to figure out specific areas of cooperation shortly and engage in meaningful cooperation.

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ASTU Campuse Map


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Office: +251 -22-211-3961,  Email:
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
Office of Registrar  
Office: +251 -221-100001,  Email:
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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